poet Ismael Rodriguez

Ismael Rodriguez


violent pacifists
the wild hunt begins
peacefully killing

sanctify hate
vilification of true love
painful release

eternity damnation
floating corpses bleed
forlorn life

blade cuts
blood starts to flow

Putrid flesh
The smell of sex
No more dreams

Thanatos take
Soul from my flesh
Deliver me

Blood flows freely
Numbness ends

Lost dreams
Flowers in bloom

Ticklish prostitutes
Condoms in trashcans
lost lives

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Poem Submitted: Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Poem Edited: Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Comments about 1.0 by Ismael Rodriguez

  • Greenwolfe 1962 (8/7/2008 6:13:00 PM)

    I was curious about the title of the verses. I wanted to see what it meant. I was afraid I would not be able to understand. I was right.


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